PHP 8.3.0 RC 6 available for testing


这些函数的行为受 php.ini 中的设置影响。

The following table lists and explains the configuration settings provided by the WinCache extension:

WinCache configuration options
名字 默认 Minimum Maximum 可修改范围 更新日志
wincache.fcenabled "1" "0" "1" PHP_INI_ALL Available as of WinCache 1.0.0
wincache.fcenabledfilter "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.0.0
wincache.fcachesize "24" "5" "255" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.0.0
wincache.fcndetect "1" "0" "1" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.1.0
wincache.maxfilesize "256" "10" "2048" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.0.0
wincache.ocenabled "1" "0" "1" PHP_INI_ALL Available as of WinCache 1.0.0. Removed as of
wincache.ocenabledfilter "NULL" "NULL" "NULL" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.0.0. Removed as of
wincache.ocachesize "96" "15" "255" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.0.0. Removed as of
wincache.filecount "4096" "1024" "16384" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.0.0
wincache.chkinterval "30" "0" "300" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.0.0
wincache.ttlmax "1200" "0" "7200" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.0.0
wincache.enablecli 0 0 1 PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.0.0
wincache.ignorelist NULL NULL NULL PHP_INI_ALL Available as of WinCache 1.0.0
wincache.namesalt NULL NULL NULL PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.0.0
wincache.ucenabled 1 0 1 PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.1.0
wincache.ucachesize 8 5 85 PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.1.0
wincache.scachesize 8 5 85 PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.1.0
wincache.rerouteini NULL NULL NULL PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache 1.2.0. Removed as of 1.3.7
wincache.reroute_enabled 1 0 1 PHP_INI_SYSTEM | PHP_INI_PERDIR Available as of WinCache 1.3.7
wincache.srwlocks 1 0 1 PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache Removed as of
wincache.filemapdir NULL NULL NULL PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of WinCache
有关 PHP_INI_* 样式的更多详情与定义,见 配置可被设定范围


wincache.fcenabled bool
Enables or disables the file cache functionality.
wincache.fcenabledfilter string
Defines a comma-separated list of IIS web site identifiers where file cache should be enabled or disabled. This setting works in conjunction with wincache.fcenabled: if wincache.fcenabled is set to 1, then the sites listed in the wincache.fcenabledfilter will have the file cache turned off; if wincache.fcenabled is set to 0, then the sites listed in the wincache.fcenabledfilter will have the file cache turned on.
wincache.fcachesize int
Defines the maximum memory size (in megabytes) that is allocated for the file cache. If the total size of all the cached files exceeds the value specified in this setting, then most stale files will be removed from the file cache.
wincache.fcndetect bool
Enables or disables the file change notification detection functionality. If file change notification is supported then it will be used to refresh the opcode and file cache entries as soon as the corresponding files are modified on a file system. If file change notification is not supported, for example when using network file shares, then wincache will poll for file changes at regular time intervals specified by wincache.chkinterval.
wincache.maxfilesize int
Defines the maximum allowed size (in kilobytes) for a single file to be cached. If a file size exceeds the specified value, the file will not be cached. This setting applies to the file cache only.
wincache.ocenabled bool

This option has been REMOVED as of

Enables or disables the opcode cache functionality
wincache.ocenabledfilter string

This option has been REMOVED as of

Defines a comma-separated list of IIS web site identifiers where opcode cache should be enabled or disabled. This setting works in conjunction with wincache.ocenabled: if wincache.ocenabled is set to 1, then the sites listed in the wincache.ocenabledfilter will have the opcode cache turned off; if wincache.ocenabled is set to 0, then the sites listed in the wincache.ocenabledfilter will have the opcode cache turned on.
wincache.ocachesize int

This option has been REMOVED as of

Defines the maximum memory size (in megabytes) that is allocated for the opcode cache. If the cached opcode size exceeds the specified value, then most stale opcode will be removed from the cache. Note that the opcode cache size must be at least 3 times bigger than file cache size. If that is not the case the opcode cache size will be automatically increased.
wincache.filecount int
Defines how many files are expected to be cached by the extension, so that appropriate memory size is allocated at the startup time. If the number of files exceeds the specified value, the WinCache will re-allocate more memory as needed.
wincache.chkinterval int
Defines how often (in seconds) the extension checks for file changes in order to refresh the cache. Setting it to 0 will disable the refreshing of the cache. The file changes will not be reflected in the cache unless the cache entry for that file is removed by scavenger or IIS application pool is recycled or wincache_refresh_if_changed function is called.
wincache.ttlmax int
Defines the maximum time to live (in seconds) for a cached entry without being used. Setting it to 0 will disable the cache scavenger, so the cached entries will never be removed from the cache during the lifetime of the IIS worker process.
wincache.enablecli bool
Defines if caching is enabled when PHP is running in command line (CLI) mode.
wincache.ignorelist string

Defines a list of files that should not be cached by the extension. The files list is specified by using file names only, separated by the pipe symbol - "|".

示例 #1 wincache.ignorelist example

wincache.ignorelist = "index.php|misc.php|admin.php"

wincache.namesalt string
Defines a string that will be used when naming the extension specific objects that are stored in shared memory. This is used to avoid conflicts that may be caused if other applications within an IIS worker process tries to access shared memory. The length of the namesalt string cannot exceed 8 characters.
wincache.ucenabled bool
Enables or disables the user cache functionality.
wincache.ucachesize int
Defines the maximum memory size in megabytes that is allocated for the user cache. If the total size of variables stored in the user cache exceeds the specified value, then the most stale variables will be removed from the cache.
wincache.scachesize int
Defines the maximum memory size in megabytes that is allocated for the session cache. If the total size of data stored in the session cache exceeds the specified value, then the most stale data will be removed from the cache.
wincache.rerouteini string

This option has been REMOVED as of 1.3.7. See wincache.reroute_enabled for similar functionality as of 1.3.7.

Specifies an absolute or a relateve path to the reroute.ini file that contains the list of PHP functions whose implementation should be replaced with the WinCache function equivalents. If a relative path is specified then it is assumed to be relative to the location of php-cgi.exe file.
wincache.reroute_enabled bool
Enables or disables the rerouting of certain file I/O functions through the file cache.
wincache.srwlocks bool

This option has been REMOVED as of

Enables or disables the use of shared reader/writer locks. Disabling is useful when troubleshooting deadlock conditions in WinCache.
wincache.filemapdir string
Specifies an absolute path to a directory where WinCache will store the temporary files used for shared memory segments. This directory must be on the local machine and not on a networked file system. If the directory is not specified, WinCache will use the Windows System Page File for all shared memory segments.

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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

ericsten at php dot net
8 years ago
[Editor's note: fixed typo]

Just a quick note about something I've discovered through debugging a recent WinCache issue:

If you change the wincache.scachesize value, you MUST shutdown all php-cgi.exe instances and manually delete the wincache_session_*.tmp file.

The wincache_session_*.tmp file will in the directory specified by session.save_path in the php.ini file.

An example session file name would look like: wincache_session_1_565779.tmp

If you don't delete this file, you will run into corruption in cross-process shared memory segments for the WinCache session handler. These will show up as 500 errors from your IIS server.


software journalist
3 years ago
wincache.php showed in Session Cache Overview that the Available Memory was returning NAN B.

A Google search returned nothing specific to this.

Stopping the App Pool and Deleting the *session*.tmp file in the windows temp directory solved this issue. (Thanks to previous noter)
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