PHP 8.3.0 RC 6 available for testing


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If ./configure is having trouble finding the SVN files (for example, Subversion was installed with a different prefix directory), use ./configure --with-svn=$USR_PATH to specify the directory where the include/subversion-1/ folder is located.

PECL 扩展的 DLL 当前不可用。参见 在 Windows 上构建章节。


If the extension is compiled against libsvn 1.3, functions that work with working copies will fail when used on working copies created by Subversion 1.4.

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User Contributed Notes 4 notes

Bruno Macias
12 years ago
For install in CentOS 5.5

yum install subversion subversion-devel neon neon-devel
pecl install svn

echo "" > /etc/php.d/svn.ini

service httpd restart
chris at livingresource dot net
12 years ago
If you have Ubuntu (I know 10.04+, not sure about earlier), you can do this to install the package;

sudo apt-get php5-svn
alexcescalona at gmail dot com
12 years ago
If you use CollabNet's Subversion client (v. 1.6.13), the development libraries are included. For the most current version (v 1.6.17) you may need to install CollabNet Subversion Edge for access to the development libraries.

Sure, the subversion-devel package should not conflict with Collabnet, but it has a dependency with the subversion package, which installs svn binaries in /usr/bin, which takes precedence over CollabNet's path in the PATH environment variable.
elpoutro at free dot fr
15 years ago
For Windows:
If you use a fresh install of windows XP you will need all this DLL in your C:/windows/system32/ folder:
intl3_svn.dll, libdb43.dll, libapr.dll, libapriconv.dll, libaprutil.dll, libeay32.dll, msjava.dll, php5ts.dll, ssleay32.dll, vsinit.dll, msvcr71.dll, MSVCP71.DLL
I recommend to use DependencyWalker ( with your php_svn.dll (in php extensions) to see exactly which ones you need.
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