PHP 8.3.0 RC 6 available for testing

Using the PHP LDAP calls

Before you can use the LDAP calls you will need to know...

  • The name or address of the directory server you will use

  • The "base dn" of the server (the part of the world directory that is held on this server, which could be "o=My Company,c=US")

  • Whether you need a password to access the server (many servers will provide read access for an "anonymous bind" but require a password for anything else)

The typical sequence of LDAP calls you will make in an application will follow this pattern:

  ldap_connect()    // establish connection to server
  ldap_bind()       // anonymous or authenticated "login"
  do something like search or update the directory
  and display the results
  ldap_close()      // "logout"

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