PHP 8.3.0 RC 6 available for testing

The LuaSandbox class

(PECL luasandbox >= 1.0.0)


The LuaSandbox class creates a Lua environment and allows for execution of Lua code.


class LuaSandbox {
/* 常量 */
const int SAMPLES = 0;
const int SECONDS = 1;
const int PERCENT = 2;
/* 方法 */
public callFunction(string $name, mixed ...$args): array|bool
public disableProfiler(): void
public enableProfiler(float $period = 0.02): bool
public getCPUUsage(): float
public getMemoryUsage(): int
public getPeakMemoryUsage(): int
public getProfilerFunctionReport(int $units = LuaSandbox::SECONDS): array
public static getVersionInfo(): array
public loadBinary(string $code, string $chunkName = ''): LuaSandboxFunction
public loadString(string $code, string $chunkName = ''): LuaSandboxFunction
public pauseUsageTimer(): bool
public registerLibrary(string $libname, array $functions): void
public setCPULimit(float|bool $limit): void
public setMemoryLimit(int $limit): void
public unpauseUsageTimer(): void



Used with LuaSandbox::getProfilerFunctionReport() to return timings in samples.


Used with LuaSandbox::getProfilerFunctionReport() to return timings in seconds.


Used with LuaSandbox::getProfilerFunctionReport() to return timings in percentages of the total.


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